World Basic Income is a multi-stakeholder co-operative. This means we are owned and run by our members, with members electing the Board of Directors, and Directors selecting the organisation's staff. The key responsibilities of members are to:
Our organisation exists to fulfil the following objectives, as registered in our official documents:
a) To campaign for the introduction of a world basic income, which means a worldwide scheme whereby all individuals are provided with a regular unconditional cash income.
b) To conduct research and public education about basic income and cash transfer schemes, to build support for- and create an evidence base relating to world basic income.
c) To promote international basic income pilot schemes.
d) To undertake related activities which support these objects.
If you support these objectives and would like to play a part, please complete the application form below.
- Ensure that World Basic Income stays true to its objectives (see below)
- Vote in elections for the Board of Directors
- Consider standing for election to the Board of Directors or taking on other responsibilities within the organisation through volunteering
Our organisation exists to fulfil the following objectives, as registered in our official documents:
a) To campaign for the introduction of a world basic income, which means a worldwide scheme whereby all individuals are provided with a regular unconditional cash income.
b) To conduct research and public education about basic income and cash transfer schemes, to build support for- and create an evidence base relating to world basic income.
c) To promote international basic income pilot schemes.
d) To undertake related activities which support these objects.
If you support these objectives and would like to play a part, please complete the application form below.