Proposals for worldwide and regional basic incomes
Our organisation, World Basic Income, is by no means the first to advocate for a basic income that reaches beyond borders. The Global Basic Income Foundation, based in the Netherlands, was created in 2000, and from that organisation the Global Basic Income Network of interested groups and individuals has emerged. The GBI Foundation's founder, René Heeskens, previously worked for another organisation called the UN Income Foundation, which is the first organisation that we know of to have proposed a regular worldwide distribution of cash to all people. The writer and veteran campaigner Alanna Hertzog proposed the creation of a Global Resource Agency which could collect global resource rents and distribute a portion of these to people everywhere as a 'global citizen's income'. More recently, an initiative led by the Brazilian organisation ReCivitas has been launched within the World Social Forum, which calls for a worldwide basic income to be introduced, starting with the provision of regular unconditional cash to refugees, while an organisation called OVIE is setting up a global basic income pilot scheme funded by the purchase of products with the new Impact label.
Others have proposed basic incomes for particular regions of the world. In 2010, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) produced a report exploring the potential for a regional basic income for Latin America. In Southern Africa, an initiative to fund a regional basic income via the area's mineral wealth has been proposed by the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII), who are based in South Africa. And there may well be further proposals and organisations that we are yet to discover.
We at World Basic Income are connecting with these campaigns, to share ideas and strengthen the movement, bringing forward the day when people everywhere get a fair share of the world's wealth. If you are linked to a cross-border basic income movement, or would like to be, we would love to hear from you.
Others have proposed basic incomes for particular regions of the world. In 2010, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) produced a report exploring the potential for a regional basic income for Latin America. In Southern Africa, an initiative to fund a regional basic income via the area's mineral wealth has been proposed by the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII), who are based in South Africa. And there may well be further proposals and organisations that we are yet to discover.
We at World Basic Income are connecting with these campaigns, to share ideas and strengthen the movement, bringing forward the day when people everywhere get a fair share of the world's wealth. If you are linked to a cross-border basic income movement, or would like to be, we would love to hear from you.